tandwielen II



De radius van de tandwielen moet bij elkaar opgeteld worden, en uitkomen op een heel getal.


> when building, you can quickly find the radius on the fly by the formula: (number of teeth) divided by 16. You can also find the distance between any two gear axes by adding the number of teeth for both gears (eg 16+8) and then divide by 16.

> By extension of that idea we can work out the gear B that meshes with another gear A over distance D by using B = D x 16 - A. So if D=2, and A =16 then B=16, but if A=8 then B=24. If D=2.25 and A=16 then B = 20! I am not a big fan of 0.5 spacings but sometimes that are necessary and do give you more options. e.g. D=1.5, A=8 gives B=16 making a 2:1 ratio.


Dan is het verder leuk om verschillende patronen per tandwiel te hebben, zodat ze goed uit elkaar te houden zijn: